Town of Micro Police Department
Contact Us at (919) 284-1355
Monday through Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
For Emergencies please dial 911
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9 Micro, NC 27555
The Town of Micro Police Department
is located at 101 US 301 Hwy S Micro, NC 27555
at the corner of US 301 Hwy and Main St.
On behalf of the Micro Police Department, I welcome you to our website.
It is an honor and privilege to serve the Town of Micro as Chief of Police. While we strive for Excellence daily, we also strive to ensure our Department is adhering to the principles of our Mission Statement, which reads:
“We, the members of the Micro Police Department are devoted to the safety of our community through teamwork and problem-solving partnerships with members of our Community; providing excellent service.”
We want to ensure the Town of Micro is a safe place to live, work and play. Our ability to be successful directly correlates to the strength of the partnerships we have created with community members. Integrity, serves as our daily compass as we are committed to delivering quality customer service to everyone. With the assistance of the Johnston County Sheriff’s office, we are able to provide coverage in and around the Town of Micro at all times. ​
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the Micro Police Department, you may contact me at 919-284-1355.
T. Macon Jones
Chief of Police
Town of Micro